Friday sabre workshops

friday june 6th, 15.00 - 18.00 hrs

full sparring gear required

workshop in english / warsztaty w języku angielskim

Pedro san miguel

Pedro San Miguel is an instructor with Ausardia, where he teaches sabre.

His sources of study include the works of Waite, Hutton, Rondelle, Chapman, Prevost, and Parise, while also working with various Spanish and French sabre sources.

Pedro has competed in over 500 rated matches across sabre, longsword, and rapier & dagger, and is currently ranked #1 in the world at sabre.

In addition to Ausardia, Pedro is a senior instructor at Schola Gladiatoria, and a member of The Renaissance Sword Club. He is also member of organising committees for various UK tournaments, and teaches fencing workshops at international HEMA events.

PArt 1: Avoiding doubles & parrying afterblows.

In this workshop we will look through some of the reasons afterblows and doubles happen, and we will go through drills, strategies, and technique adjustments that will help us cut down the number of afterblows and doubles we receive, and to avoid creating situations in which they are inevitable.

This workshop is based on a combination of effective advice from historical sabre sources, as well as lessons learned through the many defeats and victories of my own competitive experience.

part 2: beyond the riposte

In this workshop we will look at drills and exercises that will first help you build a reliable parry-riposte game, and then we will work on techniques and strategies to safely break out of any riposte rally. These will include compound actions, time attacks, actions on the blade, closing, and other methods of interruption, taken from a variety of 19th-century sabre and foil sources.